A miner unexpectedly earned $270,000 on bitcoin

An unknown miner earned about $270,000 when he got lucky and extracted a block in the bitcoin network (BTC) chain on his own. Hardly anyone could have expected such a turn, as his chances were estimated at 1 to 1.36 million.
The miner’s equipment is connected to the CKPool pool, his administrator Con Colivas said. According to him, the lucky miner’s equipment has a computing capacity of only 126 terahashes per second (TH/s) – that is, about 0.000073% of the Bitcoin network’s aggregate hash rate, which exceeds 174 EH/s.
“Our members have been mining bitcoin alone since day one. The difference is that the hash rate of solo mining gets proportionally smaller every year. The smallest miner to mine a block in CKPool had a processing power of only 200 GH/s,” said Kolivas.
Miner received $268,750,000
On Jan. 11, the miner received block number 718,124, for which he was awarded 6.25 BTC. According to the cryptocurrency exchange, the first cryptocurrency is $43,000 on January 12, so the lucky miner received $268,750,000.
However, 2%, or 0.125 BTC, he will have to give to his pool. But this sum will be partly compensated by the transaction fees of the block he created, which will be about 0.1 BTC.
Statistically, if a miner with similar computing power starts mining bitcoin on January 12, it will take him about 9,500 days or 26 years to create the first block. And while most of the power belongs to large pools, even smaller miners have no reason not to mine blocks.
According to BTC.com, more than half of all hash rate in the Bitcoin network is controlled by three mining pools: Foundry USA (19.59%), F2Pool (16.36%) and AntPool (15.21%). CKPool with its 400.68 PH/s processing power (0.23%) is only 15th on the list of bitcoin pools.
The top three countries in terms of bitcoin hash rate are the U.S., Kazakhstan and Russia. However, due to the mass unrest in Kazakhstan, the authorities of the country shut down the wired Internet, to which the BTC mining pools are connected as well, which reduced the network’s hash rate by 16%.